The Latest.

Mieron Testimonial with CNN Hero Amanda Boxel
Amanda Boxtel currently serves as Executive Director for the Bridging Bionics Foundation, which aims to bridge human mobility with exoskeletons and bionic technology.

Cerebral Palsy Exercises with Virtual Reality
Parents who have a child diagnosed with cerebral palsy spend a lot of their time and energy seeking out treatment options and taking their child to a variety of therapy appointments.

Pain Management with Mieron Virtual Reality NeuroTherapy
The medical industry marches forward into a more technological future just like any other, with new ways to help treat chronic pain in safe, non-invasive and non-pharmacological methods.

Augmenting Physical Therapy with Virtual Reality
Half of all American’s will require at least 3 months of physical therapy at some point in their lives.

Managing Neuropathic Pain with Virtual Reality
People who suffer from chronic pain issues understand how difficult it can be to live a normal life while struggling with this issue.

Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Rehabilitation with Virtual Reality
Devastating accidents are the primary cause of spinal cord injuries. If this happens to you or someone you care about, you want to get the best treatment plan and rehabilitation process in place as quickly as possible.
Start your life changing moment
Achieve more mobility, independence and wellness by incorporating Mieron VRNT into your routine.